The Largest Chestnut Orchard in Arkansas

Superior Chestnuts and Trees
Proven Genetics
A Better Choice Than Dunstan and Generic Hybrids
Among the Largest One-Year-Old Trees Available Anywhere!
Chestnut trees are available for pre-order and will be ready this fall.
Our trees typically grow to about 6 feet, with some reaching up to 9 feet in their first year.
Customers have reported getting chestnuts on their trees as early as the second year!
Why Chestnuts?
Chestnuts aren’t just for roasting at Christmas time—they’re super versatile! Bake with them, cook with them, or even brew beer and liquor.
Completely gluten-free!
And loaded with nutrients:
Vitamin C
Vitamin B-6
Folic acid
And many more healthy benefits!
Who We Are
Brad and Sandy Russell are members of Chestnut Growers of America located in Omaha, Arkansas.
Their orchard includes a diverse range of chestnut tree genetics, and they continue to expand it each year.
Contact Us
We would love to earn your business! Do you have questions, or would just like to talk to a real person about chestnuts? Maybe you are interested in purchasing chestnuts, or our trees grown right here from our own nursery? Whether you are interested in a couple of trees for the yard, creating an orchard, or attracting wildlife, we have you covered!
12302 Ward Lane
Omaha, AR 72662
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